
續上篇拳皇KOF OST之後,這次來寫DAKOTA STAR早期的作品,當時還是2004年,尚未被樂迷高度關注的DAKOTA STAR也是這樣一步一腳印地走,替完成2004年的電玩賽車大作「GT4跑車浪漫旅」(Gran Turismo 4)譜出四首新曲,分別是為"breakdown", "It's all about you "、"SOUL SURFER"和"What to Believe",絕對驚艷人心。

每首歌都有獨特意境,但既然是為了賽車ost寫出來的作品,暢快奔馳的速度感是少不了的,但其中"breakdown", "It's all about you "就是展現柔性力量的勵志歌曲,彷彿能讓聽眾看見公路上的黎明晨色還記得我終於從emule上拖到這兩首歌時,才剛起床,在寒冷的早上就聽到這麼溫暖的歌,眼淚就忍不住掉下來了。口。~總之大推薦啦~

一首"what to believe"則是充滿張力與傳統的強勁rocker力道, 也非常好聽喔,下面有完整版本,歡迎大家多多推廣好音樂啦!"SOUL SURFER"也是硬派搖滾歌曲值得一聽。

當初與他們打造出KOF、GT4、GT5系列的超強製作人嘉生大樹(KASHO DAIKI),則是還有繼續當電玩歌曲、動畫歌曲編曲者,也會創作詞曲,他擅長詮釋角色張力的英挺搖滾曲風依舊不變,也推薦給喜歡DAKOTA STAR早期風格的各位喔:D

雖dakota star已經在2006年底解散(詳情見此篇:KOF拳皇動畫anothey day OST/DAKOTA STAR/日本ACG界銷魂搖滾金曲製作人嘉生大樹),至少這位kasho daiki嘉生大樹還是在youtube上流傳著聽不完的好歌,歡迎大家搜尋比對一下啦,YOUTUBE一堆寶。膾炙人口的雙面騎士片尾曲作品「亞矢-over night」也是嘉生大樹的參與創作,真的是ACG界的銷魂金曲搖滾硬漢無誤。

最後補上很感人的breakdown試聽與歌詞。最讓我感動的是那句"You came to me, to be free, to be you"!多麼深情的歌詞,這才是愛,不是嗎?我們都是為了自由自在,為了作自己而活著的呀!

Dakota star-breakddown

shining sky you know you gotta leave town
now the days when you gotta let it shine out
so many problems something's gonna break you down
take a walk and let the rain wash the road again
say a prayer jump in to the blue sky
never know if you land to see another day
give and take is what they always they say now
give me back all my time you wasted

you came to me
to be free
to be you
so now you should see
whats right in front of you
whats right in front of me

take a bow cause you know you're gonna make it
walk around the streets of all them paved with gold
leave behind all the things you want to leave dead
nothing changes nothing gained when all the chips are down
now your day is when something is gonna breakdown
far away is where to be when it's going down
all you see is what you were to me was
don't be shy don't ever cry don't ever let me down

you are to me
what I dream
you to be
so now you should see
whats right in front of you
whats right in front of me

take a bow cause you know you're gonna make it
walk around the streets of all them paved with gold
leave behind all the things you want to leave dead
nothing changes nothing gained when all the chips are down
now your day is when something's gonna breakdown
far away is where to be when it's going down
all you see is what you were to me was
don't be shy don't ever cry don't ever let me down



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