
julia wu 吳卓源  自從今年開始,我就被Julia Wu 吳卓源 澳籍華裔小妖精迷到一個六神無主💖V💖清爽全英文的「H.E.N.R.Y.」「SEA」都是我在kkbox做歌單時絕不錯放的清新好歌。「台北夜空下」充滿經典香氣又讓人耳目一新,新作「為你我受冷風吹」由全台最擅長節奏藍調曲風的教父Terry 梁永泰 從經典翻玩,Julia廣闊的音域唱起中文更是滿溢深情讓我想起以前寒流在校門口等帥哥學長載、等了快兩小時的心情q口q(我搭公車都比較快)


Julia Wu是個臺灣、中國、澳洲、美國到處飛的華裔新聲代,2017年首張個人全英文EP《H.E.N.R.Y》走的是潮到出水的PB R&B曲風。

個性早熟的她,8歲時她就隨父母搬到澳洲,彈奏古典鋼琴已有十年以上,早在2012年就以極度罕見的高額獎學金攻讀美國柏克利音樂學院(波士頓的Berklee College of Music),主修的當然也是她鍾愛的鋼琴



澳大利亞人氣選秀節目「X-FACTOR」讓她登台後,Julia Wu也和韓國最大影視娛樂公司CJ E&M《Miss Korea Season2》真人秀合作過,KKTV電速劇《重新。沒來過》邀她演唱插曲。而去年華語黑樂天王吳建豪行《#MWHYB音樂不羈》,更指定Julia Wu擔任海外粉絲見面會巡迴伴唱。




但如果有人跑來惹我們呢!(怎樣)我們也不是省油的燈 U//////U~
(請參照本mv 55秒處的手勢)(⬅️by 目前正認真跟著做的julie)
本曲由台灣節奏藍調教父 #terrytyelee 操刀,品質保證💪



Sometimes I need a little drama, spice up my life up
Keep calm and call yo mama, that ain't gonna work too long
21 got my life on check, what you think about that
No more guitar hero time to stack de niro

And the world's lot bigger
Than just you and me im just tryna live it all once

If you're thinking bout it then you know you got it
Time to leave my 12 by 10, gotta be 1 not 10 no

l-o-v-e imma be henry counting them benjis
n-o-n-e ain't nobody gone be stopping me
l-o-v-e all my girls are here with me
g-o-a-t greatest of all time anyone can be yeah

These bitches are basic drama
I ain't tryna mess with that
You know how i roll
You know how i roll

And the world's lot bigger
Than just you and me im just tryna live it all once

If you're thinking bout it then you know you got it
Time to leave my 12 by 10, gotta be 1 not 10 no

l-o-v-e imma be henry counting them benjis
n-o-n-e ain't nobody gone be stopping me
l-o-v-e all my girls are here with me
g-o-a-t greatest of all time anyone can be yeah

And the world's lot bigger
Than just you and me im just tryna live it all once

If you're thinking bout it then you know you got it
Time to leave my 12 by 10, gotta be 1 not 10 no

l-o-v-e imma be henry counting them benjis
n-o-n-e ain't nobody gone be stopping me
l-o-v-e all my girls are here with me
g-o-a-t greatest of all time anyone can be yeah









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